These are my three business cards to represent my design business. I really enjoyed this project because I loved playing with themes and color schemes for each design. InDesign is a little different than Illustrator and Photoshop, but I enjoyed using it. All together, I am very happy with my business cards. I would give these out to represent myself at any time and I would be proud.
For this project, I placed myself in Bikini Bottom. When using the quick selection tool on the picture of myself walking, I made sure to include my shadows in order to make the final outcome more realistic. When I was a kid, I always wanted to go to Bikini Bottom, and now I have finally gotten to go. Overall, I am very happy with the final outcome.
For my first time using any motion tools on Photoshop, I think that this turned out very well. The coffee is pouring into a mug, and as it loops it looks very fluid. I added adjustment layers in order to create a better contrast between the coffee and the black Keurig, so that the coffee can be seen more clearly. Overall, I am very pleased with the final outcome.
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